President’s Message.

Okanagan Bible College is an educational institution serving the Lord Jesus Christ and His Church. We are an evangelical, multi-denominational, international, and multi-ethnic community. We have been mandated by our Lord Jesus Christ to equip and train people for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:12-16) as well as for the purpose of making disciples of all nations, in response to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

It is our belief that Seminary and Bible College education should be affordable. We aim to be innovative in the way we train people for ministry while staying true to the calling we have been given as a church. Part of what we do is to take this type of training to churches and places accessible by many potential students and disciples of Christ and partner with local churches and other training centres in their equipping ministry. We offer excellent education that is true to the Bible and the Christian theology. We make use of contemporary media, and technology, while developing a wider excellent adjunct faculty that enriches this training program.

We envision a training program that is faithful and strategic in training people to fulfill the great Commission and the Great Commandment. This training is necessary for those training to become Pastors, Church Planters, Missionaries, Bible Teachers, Local Church Lay Leaders or those simply looking to enrich their Christian lives. We aim to:
1. Provide affordable training for ministry to students who are not able to relocate from their area of ministry or work.
2. Partner with churches and training centres in need of ministry training partnerships.
3. Intentionally train church planters, missionaries, pastors and other church ministry workers in fulfilment of the Great Commission.

— Rev. Dr. Bernard Mukwavi Dmin