Please consider donating to OBC.

Thank you for supporting Okanagan Bible College as we forge forward in this new educational model.

Many people wish they could find the funds, time or capacity to deepen their studies and step into their calling. Youth pastors, worship pastors, and ministers of the gospel serving in ministry are now praying for an opportunity to take their service to the next level. We believe the number is significant, and due to growing tuition and cost of living, the number keeps growing to a staggering degree.

Your support will be a key part of the growth and health of this model, offering a very high level of education at a price that is affordable to virtually anyone. The cost and accessibility of traditional Theological training have escalated to a point that it is prohibitive for far too many people. Our mandate is to provide quality theological education that is affordable and accessible in partnership with the local church.

Theological Education is a critical part of raising up the next generation of leaders. Biblical Training for anyone who wants it is our highest objective. We believe that Okanagan Bible College is positioned at a key moment to stand in this gap and provide the resources critical to the church's health.

Thank you in advance for your support in this very important time. We hope every student who desires to pursue deeper theological education will not be blocked by cost or accessibility and will have this opportunity to step into their calling.

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We would also highly encourage you to consider donating to here.